Modelling Monday No.02. "More 3D Printed Goodies" - 009-00-0-16.5

Modelling Monday No.02. "More 3D Printed Goodies" - 009-00-0-16.5

Well it’s been a while since I wrote one of these!

It’s still my plan for these posts to become a regular part of this blog, so hopefully I can convince myself to document more of my modelling projects. First up a look at my latest 0-16.5 project….

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Askham Hall. The forgotten Avonside.

Anyone who has visited Threlkeld Quarry in recent years may have spotted the unrestored and sad looking 0-4-0 saddle tank sitting in the lower storage area. This is Avonside No.1772 of 1917 “Askham Hall”…….

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