Modelling Monday No.01. "Trains, trains & more trains!" - 009-00-0-16.5

Modelling Monday No.01. "Trains, trains & more trains!" - 009-00-0-16.5

For a while now I’ve wanted to start properly documenting my modelling projects. I hope to do “Modelling Monday” posts a few times each month, preferably every other Monday. In this one we’ll take a look at some of my recent “Lockdown projects”. Both commission work and personal projects.

First up we’ll look at my 009 projects…

Firstly my latest bit of commission work. I was recently asked to build and paint one of my Kerr Stuart “Long tank” Skylark trams for a client. I’d previously built him the short tank example, finished in a similar livery. A picture of that model can be seen below. Both models have drivers, real coal, vac pipes and some small detailing parts (oil can, bucket)


I also built myself one of the long tanks. Pictured below and finished in a work worn weathered green livery. This and a similarly painted short tank will be used on a small shunting layout that I’d like to build…one day!


One last post on the Skylark trams before moving on. Every now and then a a print will fail, sometimes the fails are very minor but I still wouldn’t want to ship it to a customer. So I decided to turn a much older failed print of a Skylark into something that could sit at the end of a siding or behind a shed. The tarp is made from Kitchen roll. Which was dunked in PVA glue and then layered over the model. Once dried it was painted and the whole model was weathered and given the beaten up unloved appearance you see below.


I also built one of my “Owd Ratty” inspired Manning Wardle tanks. I did this as I wanted to take some better shots for my website as the orignal picture I had up wasn’t very good….and neither was the paint finish on the model in it!


I plan to model the “Owd Ratty” in 5.5 scale, so hopefully I’ll have more on that in the next post.

A personal project of mine has been a model of the Kerr Stuart “Sirdar” that worked the Cawfields Quarry Railway in Northumbria. The body is by Tyneside Models on Shapeways and its powered by a Minitrains F&C chassis. I’ve never been 100% happy with the model and its starting to show its age a bit. So the plan is to give it a fresh coat of paint, a driver in the cab and hopefully, somewhere for it to run….so not much work then!


Moving away from 009 now. I recently rescaled one of Derek Smiths excellent Rye & Camber tramway Bagnalls to 0-16.5 scale…or thereabouts. My idea…yes another layout idea. Is for a small tramway terminus layout set near Bassenthwaite station on the Cockermouth, Keswick & Penrith railway. The line would link the station with the actual village of Bassenthwaite a few miles North of the station.


And now for some 00 scale Industrials…

Something I’ve wanted to model for a long time is one of the Lambton Austerities with the distinctive cut down cabs. I have a bit of a thing for cut down locos. The Model is a standard Hornby Austerity but the cab is 3D print by Paul Metcalfe. It’s a simple one piece resin print that just slides onto the body with minimal effort. Highly recommended! The model does require some finishing off. But for now I’m happy with how it looks.


Keeping with the Lambton theme, as this particular loco has visited Philli works. A good friend asked me to print a model based on his Dads engine, Andrew Barclay 615. It is designed to fit the Oxford Rail Janus chassis. The body was printed on my Elgoo Mars resin 3D printer, which really is a great bit of kit! The below shots shows the model as it came out the printer. The print supports are still attached and will be removed next.


And lastly another loco with a north east connection. I’ve long been fascinated with the North Sunderland railway and one day hope to model it. In the meantime I recently designed a freelance Armstrong Whitworth diesel. The NSR had a similar looking engine named “The Lady Armstrong”.


This particular model isn’t based on any particular loco. The Dumb buffers came from eBay and were fitted as I wanted something a bit different. The chassis is a cut down Hornby/Dapol Pug. My only issue with this model is I haven’t quite figured out how to fit the Jackshaft hence the cover over the back of the model where it should be. I may release this as a kit but at the moment I’m not sure. Please let me know if you are interested.

I hope people have enjoyed this, hopefully it’ll become a regular feature on here. Please feel free to get in touch with me if you’d me to build one of my models kits for you.