“Puffing Billy” passes the replica Stanhope & Tyne water column. The original stood near Weatherhill Incline.
 “Puffing Billy” hauling the recreated wagonway train towards the end of the running line. Note the Replica “Brampton” carriage at the rear.
 The newly built Brampton carriage replica. The orignal ran on the Brampton branch in Cumbria.
 Head Wrightson 0-4-0VB “Coffee Pot” No.1 inside the colliery engine shed.
 Former Dundee Gas Works Kerr Stuart No.721 of 1901
 Sheffield No.264
 Autumn Peckett
  Rowley departure.
 Kerr Stuart Wren “Nathan” (No.4328 of 1927)
 Wrens “Golden Jubilee” 4328 of  1927 and “Nathan”
 Dipwood Halt
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